Welcome to the official website of the Third Palestinian Conference on Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics, PCMTMP-III, which will be held during 16-18 July 2012 at the Palestine Polytechnic University in Hebron, Palestine. PCMTMP is a bi-annual conference aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and graduate students to exchange and share their new ideas and research results about all aspects of mathematics and physics. In addition, the goal of the conference is to promote and share interdisciplinary research topics
and foster interactions among local and international researchers and scientists in the fields of theoretical, applied, computational, and industrial mathematics and physics.
Even though, theme areas of the conference are emphasized, other research contributions from other scientific portfolio related to mathematics and physics and their applications are also encouraged for submission. The conference is organized by the Palestinian Scientific Community which is committed to establish a common focus for research and development in the scientific fields. PCMTMP is devoted to the continued local involvement of the research community in identifying new problem areas, mathematical procedures, innovative applications, and novel solution techniques in various branches of both mathematics and physics. The meeting will be held every other year in Palestine to make it an international scientific forum for researchers and students to share interests, views, experiences and strengthen interactions in the two most fundamental branches of science and discuss practical challenges encountered. Previous two successful PCMTMP conferences were held in Palestine at Birzeit University (2008) and An-Najah University (2010).